We guarantee that Roojai.com offers you the best price by using the system specifically designed for safe drivers. If you find a better price with the same coverage and terms and conditions, you are entitled to cancel the insurance policy with full refund.
Terms and Conditions of 100% Money Back Guarantee
- This guarantee is only available for those who purchase their policies from us which shall include direct purchase with our brokers and online purchase via Roojai.com;
- This guarantee is only available for the purchase of policy which its payment is made in full (no installment) prior to the date of the better offer;
- This guarantee is only available for the period of 14 days from the date you purchase your policy from us;
- This guarantee is not available to new vehicles with red plates;
- In exercising your right to cancel your policy and obtain full refund from us you shall follow the following instructions strictly:
- (a) You must exercise your right prior to the start date of your insurance period;
- (b) Upon your discovery of a better offer, you must inform us via our Customer Service Hotline on 02 080 9196 (English service);
- (c) At least either a quotation or renewal notice officially issued and duly signed by an authorized person of other insurers for no more than 30 days from the date of submission must be submitted to us, via customercare@roojai.com or other channels specified by us, as evidences of a better offer, with all of the following items:
- same type of voluntary motor insurance;
- same vehicle usage;
- same or higher amount of liability coverage under both main coverage and additional coverage per endorsement;
- same driver plan with the same number of drivers as well as their information;
- same period of insurance with the same start date and end date;
- same particulars of insured vehicle such as accessories, plate number, make, model, model year, or chassis;
- same or higher amount of deductible, NCB, or other discounts; and
- same garage details such as garage type.
- After we receive all documents stated in Clause 5, we will check them and confirm your eligibility to policy cancellation and full refund within three days.
- Upon our official confirmation of your eligibility to policy cancellation and full refund, you must:
- (a) return your original policy sent by us together with any benefits (if any); and
- (b) submit a copy of your ID card/passport certified true copy with the statement: “I declare my cancellation of policy and request for the refund of premium paid.”;
- Roojai will complete the refund process within 14 days from the date we received all documents stated in Clause 7;
- The paid premium will be refunded via the payment channel previously used by you for the payment of premium unless stated otherwise. In the latter case, you must submit us the details of your preferred channel such as a copy of bank account certified true copy;
- Our decision shall be final. Should you affirm your intent to cancel the policy purchased from us regardless of our rejection to your eligibility to this guarantee, the refund shall be in accordance with the premium rate refund announced by the OIC;
- Roojai reserves its right to reject your exercise of right upon any deviation from the terms and conditions above; and
- Roojai reserves the right to change the terms and conditions without a prior notice to you.
following definition shall apply:
“better offer” means the offer, subject to the rules and regulations of the OIC and the terms and conditions above, of other insurers than the one on your policy with (a) the same or higher level of protection; and (b) cheaper price;
“day / days” means days that we operate our business which shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays announced by Bank of Thailand;
“guarantee” means the guarantee, subject to terms and conditions above, that we will pay you back the paid premium in full;
“OIC” means the Office of Insurance Commission of Thailand;
“premium” means the amount of your premium listed on your policy schedule;
“Roojai/ We/ Our/ Us” means Roojai Service Co., Ltd. which shall include our members of staff or any other persons appointed by us; and
“you / your” means the driver of insured vehicle which may or may not be an insured.
Last Updated Date: 04/04/2019
Why you should get insurance coverage with Roojai

24-hour roadside assistance
Roojai provides 24-hour emergency roadside assistance service throughout Thailand. By selecting this add-on service, you can be sure that you will be in good hands if your vehicle requires towing, or you need a fuel refill, faulty battery assistance, and more. An additional service to make your journeys smoother and more enjoyable.

Monthly instalment payments by debit/credit card or QR payment
With the instalment plan for debit/credit card, without blocking your credit limit, or using QR payment, you can split your insurance premium in smaller payments, making it easier to manage your finances.
We provide a 10-instalment plan for motor insurance and a 12-instalment plan for our accident and health insurance products.

12-month repair warranty
If you repair your vehicle in one of our over 500 preferred garages, we guarantee the repair quality for 12 months. You can check the nearest garage to you by using our motor garage map

Cashless medical treatment coverage with Roojai Care Card
Roojai customers may receive medical treatment throughout the Roojai hospital network without having to make advance payment. Just show your relevant ID and your Roojai Care Card to have your medical expenses covered, based on your insurance plan.*