Frequently Asked Questions
The definitions below should be used as a quick and easy reference. For full details, please read the policy wording. The policy wording is the only version we will acknowledged in the event of a dispute.

Car Insurance Questions
What is the definition of insurance?
Insurance is one way to manage your risks. When you buy insurance, you are transferring the risk to the insurer in exchange for an agreed fixed amount (the policy premium). In the event of an accident or other insured event, the insurer will compensate you as specified in the policy. Of course, insurance must be purchased before the accident or some other insured event occurs.
What does vehicle insurance mean?
Vehicle insurance (car and motorcycle) provides protection against financial loss as a result of a vehicle accident or other insured events. Depending on the type of insurance chosen, it may cover damage to the insured vehicle, damage or loss to third party property or person(s) as a result of the insured vehicle being used.
What is a car insurance contract?
A car insurance contract is an agreement between an insurance company and an insured person. The insured person is compensated for damages related to the insured vehicles following an event covered in the contract. The insured must pay a fixed premium at the outset to be covered.
What is Compulsory insurance?
Compulsory insurance is required by Thai law for all vehicles. It covers some basic elements, mainly injuries to occupants of the vehicle (including the driver) as well as injuries to other people caused from the usage of the vehicle. The amount of coverage is very limited. The maximum coverage is only 500,000 THB and it does not cover any damage to the insured vehicle or to other vehicles. Roojai strongly recommends that every driver purchases Voluntary insurance in addition to Compulsory insurance.
Who is protected under the compulsory insurance policy?
Anyone who has been injured or killed in an accident involving the insured vehicle.
What is covered under compulsory insurance?
- Medical expenses in case of bodily injury, up to 80,000 THB per person
- Loss of vital organ, 200,000-500,000 THB per person
- Compensation for death and permanent disability, up to 500,000 THB per person
- Daily compensation for hospital admission, 200 THB per day (maximum of 20 days)
What is voluntary motor insurance?
Voluntary insurance is optional insurance, not required by Thai law. Depending on the coverage type, it may cover damage to the insured vehicle whether the driver is at fault or not, damage to third party vehicle if the driver of the insured vehicle is at fault, liability for injuries resulting from a car accident where the driver is at fault, loss of or damage to the vehicle through theft, fire or natural disaster. Voluntary car insurance is divided into five categories.
Type 1: Comprehensive insurance, which covers damage to the insured vehicle regardless of fault in case of accident, fire, theft or natural disaster as well as liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
Type 2: Covers damage to the insured vehicle only in case of fire and theft and covers liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
Type 3: Only covers the liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
Type 2+: Covers damage to the insured vehicle regardless of fault provided another identified vehicle has been involved in the accident as well as damage caused by fire, theft or flood. It also covers liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
Type 3+: Covers damage to the insured vehicle regardless of fault, provided another identified vehicle has been involved in the accident. It also covers liability to third parties (property damage and bodily injury) when the driver is at fault.
How important is Voluntary insurance?
Apart from Compulsory insurance, which is required by law and is required to renew your road tax, Voluntary insurance is highly recommended. Unlike many other countries where Third Party property insurance is required by law, it is not in Thailand. In case of an accident where you are at fault, you will be liable for the damages caused to another’s property and Compulsory insurance does not provide this cover. Moreover, if you injure somebody while using your car, Compulsory insurance will only cover for the damage up to 500,000 THB. You will be liable for any medical expenses, or compensation that a court may decide in excess of 200,000 THB. For these reasons, Roojai strongly recommends you buy at least Type 3 insurance, which only covers damage to third party and injury of third party.
If you want to insure your vehicle against damage, then Type 1 and Type 2+ are the two types of insurance you should consider.
Does my Voluntary insurance include the Compulsory policy?
Your Voluntary insurance policy is separate from the Compulsory insurance policy but you can buy both with Roojai.
Which coverage type is the best?
Type 1 insurance provides the fullest range of benefits. Type 1 will cover your vehicle in most situations: accidents with other vehicles (if you are at fault or not), accidents without other vehicles (for example, a scratch while parking the car), natural disasters (flood, storm, etc.), fire and theft.
For newer cars worth more than 200,000 THB, Type 1 insurance is probably the best option. For older vehicles worth less than 200,000 THB, other coverage types may be more appropriate (as well as cheaper).
Is coverage continued when the car is sold or transferred?
When the car is transferred to others, the new owner will be insured according to the policy. The insurance company must continue the coverage for the remaining time of the policy schedule. If the car owner does not cancel the insurance policy before the transfer and purchased a named driver plan, the owner must notify the insurance company of the details of the new driver in order to adjust the premium rate based on the changing risk conditions. Additionally, the new car owner will not be responsible for excess if the driver's name does not match the name in the policy.
What is an excess/deductible?
A policy excess, also called policy deductible, is the maximum amount you will be required to pay for your car repair in case of damage to your vehicle ONLY when you are at fault or without an identified responsible third party. The excess will not apply if you are NOT at fault AND a responsible third party is identified.
What is a No Claim Bonus?
The No Claims Bonus (NCB) is the discount rewarded by the insurer if no claims at fault have been made. The discount applied will be as follows;
- 20% discount on premium renewal if driver has 1 claim-free year.
- 30% discount on premium renewal if driver has 2 claim-free years.
- 40% discount on premium renewal if driver has 3 claim-free years.
- 50% discount on premium renewal if driver has 4 claim-free years.
Where can I find my No Claims Bonus?
You can find your No Claim Bonus in the policy schedule of your current insurance company. Some insurance companies will send you a renewal invitation which will inform you of your No Claim Bonus before the policy expiry date.
What is the Road Tax?
The Road Tax is a tax that you need to pay each year at the local office of the Department of Land Transport. The rate of taxation is determined according to the engine size (Cubic meters, cc). In order to make the payment you will need to take along proof of the compulsory insurance in force, and the car registration Blue Book . The Road tax is issued in the form of a sticker which you have to display on your windscreen to prove that the tax has been paid and until when it is valid.
How to renew online the Road Tax?
You can renew online your Road Tax online at The information you must prepare is only the Compulsory policy number. We recommend you renew the Road Tax in advance (up to 3 months) before expiry date. Please, be informed that at the moment the online service is only available in Thai.
Does the insurer also provide Road Tax together with insurance?
At the moment, Roojai does not provide Road Tax service but we are working on it!
Most frequently asked questions about Roojai
Who is Roojai?
Roojai was launched in 2016 to provide a new online insurance service and quickly stepped up to become an industry leader through cutting-edge innovation to give the best price for safe drivers. Using advanced technology, we make purchasing car insurance easier and more convenient for our customers. You can check your quote, customize your plan and coverage and buy your insurance directly online. In addition, you can report a claim via our app with real-time location tracking of the surveyor coming your way or do a car inspection through a video call. Roojai also offers different payment methods to fit our customers’ lifestyle.
How to contact Roojai?
You can call our English contact centre on 02 080 9196, send us an email at
Our office address is Roojai Insurance Public Company Limited,
Headquarters: 44/1 Rungrojthanakul Building, 12th Floor, Ratchadaphisek Rd, Khwaeng Huai Khwang, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310
Chonburi branch: 4/222 Harbor Mall Building, 11th Floor, Unit 11A01, Moo 10, Sukhumvit Road, TungSukla, Sriracha, Chonburi 20230
How can I get a quote?
You can visit Roojai. and click on the product you are interested in to start the process. It will take you a couple of minutes to answer a few questions, and see your customized insurance plan. We always show the best value for money plan first (best coverage at the lowest price). If our chosen plan doesn’t fit you, you can further customize it by changing the following options:
- Type of insurance: Type 1 / 2 / 3 / 2+ / 3+
- Level of excess: 0 / 1,000 / 3,000 / 5,000 (for Type 1 plans only)
- Type of garage: Repair at our preferred garage / Repair at dealer garage / Repair at any garage
- Who can drive the car: Named drivers only (up to 3 drivers) / Any driver 25 years old and more / Any driver 30 years old and more / Any driver
- Compulsory Insurance: Include / Exclude
- Roadside Assistance: Include / Exclude
- Customise Personal Accident and Medical Costs coverage: up to ฿500,000
- Car Replacement Service: Include / Exclude
What should I do after I chose the plan I like?
Once you have chosen the cover which suits you best, you can receive the quote by email to review the details, ask us to call you back, or activate your policy online by clicking on Buy now.
What information do I need in order to buy an online policy?
- Vehicle information including brand, model, registration number, chassis number, car age. You can get all this information in your car registration Blue book.
- Yours and the main driver’s ID / passport numbers (if different from you).
- Your previous insurance policy if you want to benefit from your historical NCB (No Claim Bonus).
- Payment method details (ex. Credit or Debit Card)
How is my premium calculated?
Many insurance providers only ask questions about the vehicle. This approach means no savings for good drivers: all drivers pay the same amount for the same vehicle.
Roojai uses additional parameters to calculate your personalized premium. Our objective is always to provide a fair price to every driver according to the level of risk we think each driver represents. This means that good drivers are rewarded, and do not have to subsidize the cost of bad drivers.
Why are insurance premiums more expensive for younger drivers?
Although we look at several factors, including driving experience, type of car, past claims experience, marital status, car usage, it is true that on average younger drivers usually have higher premiums than older drivers. Data shows that on average, young and less experienced drivers have a higher occurrence of accidents. The premium is higher to address this situation.
Why are prices higher for some cars?
Each car is manufactured differently. Most of the time, more expensive vehicles require higher premiums because their repair costs tend to be higher and spare parts are more expensive. Sometimes, cars of similar value might also have different prices as their repair costs may differ. Certain models also tend to attract riskier drivers and could justify a higher premium.
I just bought a new car. Can I buy a policy with Roojai?
Of course! We offer great value insurance for your new car. Your car dealer will encourage you to buy insurance from them as they receive a very high commission from the insurance company. You can refuse to buy car insurance from them and buy it by yourself. If you want to buy a new car and insure it with Roojai, you can get a quote online from Roojai within minutes or call us on 02 080 9196
Which driver plans does Roojai offer?
- Named driver plan: If you choose this plan, all drivers of the vehicle must be named in the policy. The full insurance cover is limited to the driver(s) named in the policy. If the car is driven by somebody not named in the policy, the cover will be reduced, and some damages might not be covered. By choosing this type of option, you will save the most.
- Any driver 30 years old and more plan: For this type of plan, only the main driver needs to be declared on the policy. Occasional drivers aged 30 years or above can drive the car without having to be named in the policy. However, if the vehicle is driven by someone aged less than 30 years, the insurance coverage will be reduced, and additional excesses will apply. This is the second cheapest Roojai plan.
- · Any driver 25 years old and more plan: For this type of plan, only the main driver needs to be declared on the policy. Occasional drivers aged 25 years or above can drive the car without having to be named in the policy. However, if the vehicle is driven by someone aged less than 25 years, the insurance coverage will be reduced, and additional excesses will apply.
- Any driver plan: In this type of plan, anybody (with an official driving licence) can drive the car as long as he/she is authorized by the policy holder to drive the car.
Who is the main driver?
The main driver is the person who drives the car most of the time. He/she does not need to own the car and does not need to be the policy holder. This information allows us to give the fairest price for the risk by knowing who is driving the car most of the time.
How does the company define car usage ?
We divide car usage into two categories:
- “This car is used to travel to or from work or during the workday” means that you are driving to work or using the car during the course of work to drive to meetings for example, as well as using the car for your personal matters.
- “Personal Matters” means you are only using your car in a private capacity: travelling for holidays, going shopping, driving the kids to school, etc. This car usage category excludes driving to and from work as well as using the car during the working day.
IMPORTANT: Please note that commercial usage vehicles and vehicles transporting passengers for a fee are strictly prohibited under the policy and will void the cover. “Commercial usage” means the car is used as a working tool for transportation of goods, delivery service, or as courier. Vehicles transporting passengers for a fee includes all types of taxi, ride or limousine services.
How do I pay my car insurance premiums online with Roojai?
You can pay your premium using one of the following methods:
- Credit card or Debit card
- Bank transfer or internet banking
- QR code payment
- Rabbit LINE Pay
- TrueMoney Wallet
How do I know if the policy order has been completed?
After you finish your order, you will receive a confirmation email and SMS informing you that we have received your order. If there is any issue with your payment, our Customer Service will call you back immediately. We will send your payment receipt along with your policy document to the address you indicated within 14 working days additionally an electronic copy of your document will be immediately available online in the document section of MyAccount, accessible both on our website and app.
How long will it take to get a policy?
You will receive the original policy document within 7 days after the policy has been issued and the car inspection has been completed (if required).
How does the dash camera discount up to 10% work?
Roojai will give you a 10% discount if your car is equipped with a dash camera. But remember that if you cannot provide video footage of the claim event upon request or if the dash camera is not installed in the vehicle, Roojai reserves the right to charge you an excess of 1,000THB at the time of each claim.
What is the Online inspection via video call?
To save your time, Roojai created an innovative way to inspect your car. Customers can now do the inspection through their mobile phone camera easily and anywhere using our app.
How to do the video car inspection?
- Download the latest version of the Roojai Mobile App using the links below.
-For Android (v4.0 or later) please click here to download.
-For iOS (v7.1 or later) please click here to download.
(and also click here to download Visual Support). - Check the internet connection on your mobile phone to make sure its stable for video call.
- Park the vehicle in a well-lit place with enough space for you to move around the car.
- Open the Roojai Mobile App and click the "Inspection" button to connect to the video call (Our vehicle inspection team is available Mon – Fri: 08.00 AM – 6.00 PM) Sat – Sun and public holidays: 09.00 AM – 6.00 PM.)
- Our Customer service expert will guide you through the process, of checking your vehicle and capture some photos. The full process should take no more than 5-10 minutes.
- We will confirm the coverage details after the inspection is complete.
Terms and conditions:
- Your vehicle will only be insured once the vehicle inspection has been successfully completed.
- Roojai reserves the right to change the policy conditions (including the premium) or to cancel the policy based on the results of the vehicle inspection.
- We will send you your policy documents 14 working days after a successful vehicle inspection. If you choose to receive e-Documents, you can also access them 24/7 via MyAccount.
What are the details of the monthly instalment?
- New Roojai’s customers can choose to pay in 10 monthly instalments by debit or credit card, without blocking their credit limit.
- Renewal customers who decide to renew in advance, will also get the option for up to 12 monthly instalments.
What are the repair plans?
Roojai offers 3 options for repairing your vehicle:
1. Repair at our preferred garageRoojai has set up partnerships with many carefully chosen repair garages around Thailand. These preferred garages provide great service and high-quality repair at a lower cost to us. We pass on this cost saving to you, by offering you affordable insurance premiums.
We also offer you a 12-month warranty for repairs carried out by our preferred garages, to reassure you that the work is of the highest quality! 2. Repair at dealer garage
Roojai has relationships with many dealer garages. Using one of Roojai’s listed garages will make the repair process easier and quicker for you. We also offer you a 12-month warranty for repairs carried out by our preferred garages and dealer garages. If you repair your vehicle at another dealer garage which is not in Roojai’s garage list, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can make arrangements with the garage to accommodate you. 3. Repair at any garage
This option gives you total freedom: you can bring your vehicle to be repaired at any garage in Thailand. Using one of Roojai’s listed repair garages will make the repair process easier and quicker for you. If you repair your vehicle at another garage not it Roojai’s garage list, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can make arrangements with the garage to accommodate you.
What are the details of the 12-month warranty on repairs by our preferred garages?
When you choose to repair your vehicle at our preferred garages, you will be entitled to the 12-month repair warranty. These preferred garages are entrusted with the control and regulation of the Thai General Insurance Committee. In addition, Roojai will follow up each repair process for you. You can check the name, location, and telephone number of the preferred garages on our website. For full Terms & Conditions of the 12-Month Repair Warranty click here.
What is the Auto Renew option?
You can select the automatic renewal option and benefit from hassle-free, uninterrupted coverage. We will automatically renew your policy for you before it expires. For full terms and conditions, check our Term & Conditions.
Why should I choose the E-Policy option?
By choosing the E-Policy option you will help us reduce waste and help the environment. All your documents are available online 24/7 in MyAccount, accessible on our website and app.
If I choose the E- Policy option, how can I renew my Road Tax?
You can renew your Road Tax online at You will only need your compulsory policy number, available in the documents section in MyAccount, accessible through our website and app. We recommend to renew your Road Tax in advance, up to 3 months before expiration. Please, be informed that at the moment the online service is only available in Thai.
Existing Customers Questions
How to download the Roojai Mobile App?
Search “Roojai” and download the app in the App store for iOS (Requires iOS v7.1 or later) and Play Store for Android (Requires Android v4.0 or later).
What is Roojai MyAccount?
Roojai’s MyAccount is an online dashboard created to assist all our customers 24/7. You can access your insurance policy information, buy additional services, find your payment status, download important documents, send us a message, renew your insurance, check your claim status, redeem your Roojai Rewards and refer your friends to earn more Roojai Rewards.
How to register for Roojai MyAccount?
- Visit Roojai and click on MyAccount menu.
- Put your Email or ID / passport number.
- Choose where to receive the One-Time Password (OTP) (Email or SMS) then input the OTP to login.
You can also use the Roojai Mobile app to access MyAccount. At the moment, MyAccount is only available for existing customers.
What are Roojai Rewards?
Roojai Rewards are reward points that we offer to customers when they renew their insurance online or refer their friends. Roojai Rewards can be redeemed for fuel vouchers, shopping vouchers, our kangaroo doll, and to purchase additional services such as Roadside Assistance, Compulsory insurance, and much more. We are constantly working to expand the selection available in Roojai Rewards. For more details, visit our Roojai Rewards page.
How to share my experience on Facebook?
When you buy an insurance policy, you will receive an email invitation to share your experience with Roojai. Click on the link to rate our service and write your comments. The review will be shared on Roojai’s website and Facebook page.
Remember that the link is available only for 30 days after the date of purchase.
How to redeem Roojai Rewards for gifts and vouchers?
- Log in to MyAccount on our website or app.
- Click on Roojai Rewards and browse the available gifts
- Once you found what you want and have read the Terms & Conditions click on the "Redeem" button
- You will immediately receive an email or SMS with your digital coupon. If you choose a physical gift, it will be sent by post within 14 working days.
How do I check the expiry date of my voucher?
You can check the expiry date of the voucher in your redemption email or SMS.
Can I purchase any additional services from Roojai’s?
We are constantly working to launch new products and improve our services.
- At the moment, you can buy Roojai Roadside Assistance when you renew your insurance policy online through MyAccount.
- You can also redeem your Roojai Rewards to get free Compulsory insurance or Roojai Roadside Assistance.
- Alternatively, you can purchase additional services by calling us on 02 080 9196.
Where can I find the latest promotions?
You can check all our active promotions, by visiting Roojai and clicking on the "Benefits" section in the menu. Alternatively, you can subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest promotions and special offers via email.
How to renew my policy online?
Log in to MyAccount on our website or app and click "Confirm Renewal”. You can change your plan, customize your coverage, include Roadside Assistance, and Compulsory insurance, and choose to pay later.
How do I refer my friends and get more Roojai rewards?
- Log in to MyAccount and click "Refer friends".
- Choose your favourite referral method:
- You can refer your friends directly by inputting the name, email or mobile phone number.
- Or you can refer them via Social Media by sharing your referral link or code.
When they buy an insurance policy through that link or code, you and your friends will receive additional Roojai Rewards. click here
What are the benefits of Roadside Assistance?
- Emergency Repair Assistance (up to 2 times per contract period)
- Faulty Battery Assistance (up to 1 time per contract period)
- Fuel Refill Assistance (up to 1 time per contract period)
- Locksmith Assistance (up to 1 time per contract period)
- Vehicle Transportation Service (up to 1 time per contract period)
For the full terms and conditions, please visit the Roadside Assistance page click here
Can I cancel my policy?
Yes, you are entitled to cancel your insurance policy. To cancel your policy please call us on 02 080 9196 For full details check our terms & conditions click here
What are the terms and conditions of the100% Money Back Guarantee?
We guarantee that Roojai offers you the best price by using a system specifically designed for safe drivers. If you find a better price with the same coverage and terms and conditions, you are entitled to cancel the policy within 14 days from purchase and full payment, with full refund.
For the full terms & conditions visit the 100% Money Back Guarantee page click here
Claims Questions
How do I report an accident involving another party?
- Stay calm and check if someone is injured. If someone is injured, call 1669 for emergency service and 191 for the police.
- Claim using our App or call our Claims hotline on 02 080 9194.
- Take photos and videos of the accident scene if possible before the vehicles are moved.
- Don’t discuss who is at fault. Exchange details with anyone involved.
- Wait for our surveyor to arrive.
- In case a tow truck is needed, only allow Roojai approved towing services.
What do I do if I have an accident without anyone else involved?
- Call us on 02 080 9194. Our claim experts will advise you from here on. Take pictures of the damage.
- Download our online claim form and send an email to attaching the signed claim form and pictures.
- Bring your car to one of our preferred garages. They will coordinate with us to get your car back on the road as quickly as possible, with a 12-month repair warranty.
What information is required when reporting an accident?
- Your insurance policy number, your car licence number
- Details of the accident: driver's name, date of the incident, accident location
- Short description of the accident
- Details of witnesses or persons involved in the accident
What information is required if my windscreen is damaged in an accident?
- Car insurance details: your policy number, car registration, brand and model of the film warranty or brand of film.
- Detail of the accident: driver's name, date of the accident, and accident location
- Short description of the accident
- Current location of the car or the preferred meeting point.
- You can take photos of damage and send them to us by email at This will speed up the process. If you choose to replace the windscreen yourself, we will not record the claim as at fault and it will not affect your premium.
What should I do if the car breaks down?
- If possible, move the vehicle to a secure location.
- Call our Claims hotline on 02 080 9194 or report your claim through our mobile app.
- Roojai will dispatch a mechanic to help you get back on the road or tow to the nearest garage.
How to claim using the Roojai Mobile App?
The Roojai Mobile App was created to ease your distress in the event of an accident or breakdown. Use it to share your location and help will be on its way.
How to claim using the Roojai Mobile App
- Click the “Emergency Assistance” button.
- Input your phone number and check the location on the map. Feel free to add any extra details if you want to.
- Click the “Confirm” button and the app will automatically share your location with our claims service centre. Our nearest surveyor will then come to your rescue. You can also track the surveyor’s progress in real time.
- Need more help? Click “Telephone List” and contact our 24/7 Service Hotline.
How to cancel a claim?
Just call us on 02 080 9194 and our Customer service experts will help you through the process.
How to report Roadside Assistance Service?
- If possible, move your vehicle to a safe place.
- Call our Claims hotline on 02 080 9194 or use your Roojai Mobile App.
- Roojai will dispatch a member of our staff to help you get back on the road or tow your vehicle to the nearest garage.
Where can I find the list of the preferred garages?
You can find the list of our preferred garage click here
What do I need to prepare before bringing my car to a garage?
Using one of Roojai’s listed garages will make the repair process easier and quicker for you and you can bring your car to the garage as soon as the claim is open.
Alternatively, with the Repair at any garage option, you can repair your vehicle at another garage not in the preferred garage list. However, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance so that we can make arrangements with the garage.
How can I follow up on my claim report?
Roojai updates your claim status at every step. If you want to follow the claim process, check the claim status in MyAccount or call us on 02 080 9194
How can I rate my claim experience?
After your claim is closed, you will receive an email to rate your experience and leave us your feedback. Your review will be shared on Roojai Your feedback is extremely important to improve our service.
Cancer Insurance Questions
What is included in the cancer insurance coverage?
If the insured is diagnosed for the first time and confirmed by a Specialist Physician that:
the insured has non-invasive cancer / carcinoma in situ, invasive cancer or skin cancer after the waiting period (90 days) and during this effective insurance contract, the company will pay compensation as per the sum insured stated in the insurance policy schedule.
How old must the insured be?
18-60 years old (can be renewed continuously until 65 years old)
Which payment methods are available?
Pay easily online through credit/debit card for both annual and monthly instalments
What is the insurance premium rate?
- We guarantee a fixed premium for 5 years which will be recalculated every 5 years.
- Example: If you choose to pay annually for 1,000,000 THB worth of insurance coverage with a 4,200 THB premium, you will pay a fixed premium of 4,200 THB per year for 5 years.
How to buy cancer insurance with Roojai?
You can get a quote and check plans online within 5 minutes. After, our staff will contact you to confirm your information and help you buy the insurance coverage you selected.
What types of cancer are covered?
1 Any kind and any stage of cancer (including Malignant Melanoma) up to 1,000,000 THB (due to plan)
Non-invasive Cancer and other types of cancer also includes the following:
Prostate Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Urinary Bladder Cancer*, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia*, Malignant Melanoma*, Borderline tumor or Low Malignant Potential
In any case, any Skin Cancer, except the Melanoma mentioned above, and Pre-malignant Lesions are excluded.
Invasive Cancer and other types of cancer also includes Leukemia, Lymphoma, Bone-marrow Cancer, and Choriocarcinoma. In any case, the following cancers are excluded:
Prostate Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, or Urinary Bladder Cancer*, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia*, Non-invasive Cancer, Carcinoma in Situ, any Skin Cancers (except Malignant Melanoma, Borderline Tumor or Low Malignant Potential, Pre-malignant Lesion*, cancer in a patient who is infected with HIV, Repeated cancer*)
2 Skin Cancer (except Malignant Melanoma) up to 100,000 THB (due to a plan)
- Hyperkeratoses, Basal Cell and Squamous Skin Cancers, as well as Melanomas*
*please read the full details in the policy wordings.
What are the conditions of the Waiting Period?
Roojai will not pay compensation in case that the Insured is diagnosed with cancer during the first 90 days after the policy start date. The company will refund all the received premium to the insured.
Does the insured need to have a health check-up?
The insured does not need to have a health check-up. Apply easily by just answering a health questionnaire. (If the information provided is found to be inaccurate, Roojai is entitled to increase the premium or terminate the policy.)
Is the insurance premium eligible for a tax deduction?
Eligible for up to 25,000 THB tax deduction, depending on the taxation law.
When does the insurance policy become effective after purchased?
The policy will be effective on the date specified in the policy schedule.
How to cancel the policy?
- In case of tele-sale marketing, the policy can be canceled within 30 days (Freelook Period) from the date of receiving the policy (without cost).
- In case of purchase through an online channel, the policy can be canceled within 15 days (Freelook Period) from the date of receiving the policy (without cost).
How to renew the policy after 5 years?
The policy can be renewed through the Roojai website. We will provide continuous insurance coverage as specified in the policy if the insured pays the premium on or before the renewal due date (every 1 year) or within the Grace Period (30 days) from the due date of payment.
How to contact us?
Customer service 02 080 9195
Personal Accident Insurance Questions
Which is the insurance company underwriting this policy?
Roojai Insurance Public Company Limited
How is the insurance coverage for personal accident insurance?
You can easily customise the personal accident insurance coverage to fit your lifestyle. Each insurance plan offers a different level of coverage, and you can boost your plan with additional coverages. Customisations include:
- accidental death, dismemberment, loss of sight or total permanent disability
- loss of hearing, speech, fingers, and toes
- Medical expense per accident
- The actual amount paid can be reimbursed but not exceeding the sum insured.
- The company will pay for the medical expenses within 15 days from the day that we receive the complete and correct medical treatment documentation.
- daily compensation while in hospital (up to 20 days per accident)
What are the additional coverages available?
- Coverage while riding or traveling on a motorcycle (cover 30% of the sum insured)
- Coverage for dangerous sports
- Coverage if assaulted or murdered
What are dangerous sports?
Racing of all kinds of cars or boat, horse racing, ski racing including jet-ski, skate racing, boxing, parachute jumping (except for the purpose of life saving), while boarding or travelling in a hot-air balloon, gliding, bungee jumping, diving with oxygen tank and breathing equipment under water
How old must the applicant be?
1 - 65 years old on the date of the application.
How to buy Roojai personal accident insurance online?
- Answer the health questions on our website
- Read the details of the plan of your choice
- Fill out the form, including the start date and the beneficiary
- Pay online and wait for the payment confirmation email
Which payment methods are available?
You can pay your personal accident insurance using one of the following methods:
- Credit card or debit card
What payment plans are?
Annual payment (for telesales and online sale)
- The premium is paid in full before the insurance coverage starts.
Monthly instalment (for only telesales)
- The first instalment is paid before the insurance coverage starts.
- The next instalment must be paid within 30 days from the payment due date.*
Is the insurance premium eligible for a tax deduction?
Eligible for partial tax deduction, depending on the taxation law.
How to know that your insurance process has been completed?
After the payment, we will send a payment confirmation email and SMS with the insurance policy number. The policy will be active from your chosen start date. All your documents are available online 24/7 in MyAccount and after a few days, you will receive the physical copies of your policy documents, if requested.
When will you get your insurance policy documents?
Roojai will send you the policy via mail. We will send the documents to the address you indicated within 14 working days after the policy has been issued.
Can you buy multiple policies?
A person may buy only one personal accident insurance policy for himself/herself.
What if you provide false information?
Concealing any facts or making false statements will result in this insurance contract being voidable, which may cause the insurer to deny its liability under the insurance contract under section 865 of the Civil and Commercial Code
Who are the beneficiaries of the insurance policy?
You can specify a beneficiary or beneficiaries. In case of death, the company shall pay to the beneficiaries named in the schedule. If there are no beneficiaries named in the schedule, the company shall pay to the heirs.
How to make a personal accident insurance claim?
- Claim for compensation – The insured, the beneficiary, or the representative must submit the needed evidence to the company at their expenses.
- Claim for death or dismemberment compensation – The evidence must be submitted within 30 days from the insured death or dismemberment.
- Claim for other compensation – The evidence must be submitted within 180 days from the date of the accident. (The claim will not be lost if there is a rational explanation of why it was impossible to claim within the specified period).*
How does the company pay the compensation?
The company will pay for the compensation within 15 days from the day that the company received the complete and correct documentation. The company will pay the death compensation to the beneficiaries, and other compensation will be paid to the insured.
If there is a suspicion that the insurance claim is not following the terms and conditions specified in the policy, the compensation payment period may be extended as necessary, but not over 90 days from the date the company has received the complete and correct documentation.
If the company cannot pay the compensation within the specified period, the company will be liable to pay interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum of the amount to be paid from the due date of payment.*
*Please read the full details in the policy wordings.
How to contact us?
Customer service 02 080 9195
Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Providing Information On Non-Life Insurance And Offering Insurance Policy Sales
Providing Information On Non-Life Insurance And Offering Insurance Policy Sales
Providing Services
- Provide information and/or evidence to prove the identity of the agent and confirm their authority to act on behalf of the insurance company in offering the insurance policy.
- Notify the customer about the source of their information.
- Inform the customer of the purpose of the contact.
- Provide complete, accurate, and clear information about the insurance policies being offered for sale, including the terms, conditions, benefits, and any exclusions of the policy.
- Explain the principles of disclosure in the insurance application form and the consequences of making false statements or concealing significant information.
- Notification of rights to cancel the insurance policy, the period for receiving the insurance policy, or contact from the company regarding insurance policies.
- Offer sales to customers only on appropriate days and times or when the customer gives permission.
Duration of the process
The insurance company and/or the agents will proceed to inform the insured applicant during the insurance policy offering process.
The Insurance Underwriting Process And After-Sale Service
1. The underwriting process, including the inspection of the insured property and notification of the underwriting results:
Providing Services
- Motor Insurance
- Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
Duration of the process
1. Motor Insurance
- Underwriting within 3 days
- Inspection of insured property within 21 days
- Notify the underwriting results within 3 days
2. Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
- Underwriting within 3 days
- Notify the underwriting results within 3 days
2. Deliverable of insurance policy
Providing Services
- Motor Insurance
- Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
Duration of the process
1. Motor Insurance
- e-Policy within 3 days
- Policy book within 15 days
2. Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
- e-Policy within 3 days
- Policy book within 15 days
3. The company submits underwriting information in the OIC's system.
Providing Services
- Non-Life Insurance Bureau System: IBS-Non-Life
- Compulsory Motor Insurance System (CMIS)
Duration of the process
1. Non-Life Insurance Bureau System: IBS-Non-Life
- Within 15 days after the end of every month (T+15)
2. Compulsory Motor Insurance System (CMIS)
- Within 1 day (Real Time)
4. Issuing an insurance endorsement, such as
Providing Services
- Changes to insured information:
- Change of name/surname
- Change of address or contact details
- Change of telephone number
- Change of premium payment method, such as:
- Cancellation of direct deduction via bank account
- Cancellation of direct deduction via credit card
- Changes to insurance policy benefits, including policy and other funds through a bank account
- Change of beneficiary
- Changes to other information
Duration of the process
- Within 7 days
5. Issuing an insurance policy to replace a damaged or lost document
Providing Services
Issuing an insurance policy to replace a damaged or lost document
Duration of the process
- Within 7 days
6. Issuing and delivery of insurance premium receipts
Providing Services
- Motor Insurance
- Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
Duration of the process
1. Motor Insurance
- e-Policy within 3 days
- Policy book within 15 days
2. Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
- e-Policy within 3 days
- Policy book within 15 days
7. Insurance premium refund from cancellation
Providing Services
- Motor Insurance
- Accident and Health Insurance (A&H)
Duration of the process
- Within 15 days
Claim Compensation According To The Insurance Contract
1. Receiving claim reports, recording incidents, and issuing damage inspection numbers along with an estimate of compensation.
Immediately after receiving the claim report
2. Sending staff or surveyors to inspect the damages.
Immediately or on the appointed date
3. Confirming and issuing a report on claim documents required for consideration of compensation.
Within 1 business day after the date of the claim report
4. Summarising the damage report.
Within 3 days from the survey day
5. Summarising preliminary claim consideration results, including damage assessment.
Within 5 days of receiving the surveyor report
6. Notifying the insured in writing about the results of the compensation consideration, including any refusal to pay compensation.
Within 15 days from receipt of documents
7. The insured agrees with the consideration results and signs a letter of agreement to receive compensation.
As soon as possible
8. The company pays compensation.
Within 15 days from receipt complete documents (Only for compulsory insurance compensation: Within 7 days)
Processing Of Complaints
1. Confirmation of receipt of complaint through various channels
Providing Services
- Complaints via call centre
- Complaints via e-mail - Complaints via social media channels
- Complaints via website
- Complaints in writing
- Complaints through OIC channels
Duration of the process
- An acknowledgement will be sent immediately upon receiving the complaint report.
2. Complaint consideration process and issuing of a letter to notify the results
Providing Services
Complaint consideration process and issuing of a letter to notify the results
Duration of the process
- For general complaints, contact the customer within 24 hours.
- For complex complaints or cases requiring additional authority, contact the customer within 5 business days.
- For complaints received through OIC channels, the company will notify the results within the period specified by the OIC.