Roojai donates to Banglamung Home for Boys charity

รู้ใจ ประกันรถออนไลน์ บริจาคเงินและสิ่งของให้กับสถานสงเคราะห์เด็กชายบ้านบางละมุง

Mr. Nicolas Faquet, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of, was joined by employees to donate money and necessary items such as children’s products, food and other facility equipment to the children of Banglamung Home for Boys in Chonburi. These amenities have been kindly supplied by company staff and executives. It was a pleasure for everyone to be a part of the volunteering and donation effort.

Banglamung Home for Boys is a government agency under the Department of Children and Youth. The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security mission is to provide social assistance to children with social problems, family issues, and children from less than fortunate or impoverished families. All destitute males aged 6 to 18 years old are welcome at the charity which currently provides a safe home for over 120 boys.

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