
BEST OF THE BEST! receives regional recognition from APCCAL

As the Best Contact Center in Thailand, is very proud to receive the regional award for Performance Excellence from Asia Pacific Contact Centre Association Leaders (APCCAL) at The-K Hotel Seoul, Korea. The APCCAL Award recognizes organizations that have outstanding performance, continual improvement and market-leading innovation in Asia Pacific’s contact center industries.

Hosted by the Customer Center Industry Research Center (CIRC – Korea), the APCCAL EXPO & Awards 2018 aims to share best practices among members through cross-border site visit benchmarking, seminars and regional networking. The theme of this year is “The Best DX (Digital Experience) in Korea and Asia Pacific Call Center Industries”.

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and APCCAL Leader Mr K J Cheong, Chairman of CIRC Korea

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and APCCAL Leader Mr Sarun Veisupaporn, Chairman of TCCTA Thailand

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and APCCAL Leader Mr Andi Anugrah, Chairman of ICCA Indonesia

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and APCCAL Leader Ms Joyce Poon, Chairlady of CNCCA China

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and Mr Sidney Yuen, Life Member APCCAL

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center attends the 2018 APCCAL EXPO to get inspirations on how AI technology to improve CX (Customer Experience)

Ms. Gratiano Yeung, Head of Contact Center and TCCTA Members visit NH Bank who demonstrates its AI project on driving digital customer experience.

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