Taking out car insurance can be confusing: there are many companies and products to choose between. Here at Roojai.com we want to make it as simple as possible for our customers. We avoid complex insurance terms wherever possible and we explain exactly what you are getting for your money.
This article gives some advice on how you can pay less for your car insurance.
Pay for your insurance coverage annually in advance rather than by monthly instalments
Many insurance companies will charge more to pay by monthly instalment. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is to cover the extra expense of collecting several payments instead of one. The second reason is that a customer paying by monthly instalments may not complete all their payments and the insurer will have to cancel the policy.
Roojai.com offers you a 5% discount if you pay for your policy annually in advance.
Install a dashboard camera in your vehicle
Your insurance company can use dashboard camera video footage at the time of an accident to see what happened. The footage can be used to identify who is at fault for the accident as well as preventing fraudulent claims.
Here at Roojai.com we offer you a 5% discount if you have a working dashboard camera installed in your vehicle. You will need to provide video footage of any accidents you have on request.
Buy Type 2+ car insurance instead of Type 1 car insurance
Type 1 insurance offers the best possible protection for your vehicle. Your insurance company will cover damage caused to your vehicle from a wide range of causes.
As a result, Type 1 insurance will be the most expensive product offered. You may want to consider other insurance products (e.g. Type 2+ insurance) which provide more limited protection for your vehicle at a lower price.
For more information on all our insurance products and the benefits they provide, please click here.
Choose the preferred car repair garages option
Many insurance companies offer two options for where you can repair your car.
The Repair your car at any garage option gives you the flexibility to repair your car at any garage nationwide, including official garages run by car manufacturers.
The Repair your car at any preferred garage option allows you to repair your car at any of Roojai’s 300 preferred garages nationwide, but you cannot use any official garages run by car manufactures for repairs.
Roojai.com’s preferred garages provide quality repairs at a lower price than the official garages. And we pass this saving on to you! We offer a significant discount if you choose our preferred garages option.
And don’t worry: repairs carried out at Roojai’s preferred workshops come with a 12-month guarantee, so you can be sure of a high standard of repair.
For a full list of our preferred garages, please click here.
Increase your voluntary deductible
One of the most effective ways to pay less for your car insurance is to choose a higher voluntary deductible.
To buy Type 1 insurance with no voluntary deductible you will have to pay more upfront. However, if you have an accident, your insurance company will cover the costs of the accident and you will not have to pay anything.
In contrast, Type 1 insurance with a 3,000THB voluntary deductible will cost less upfront.
But, if you have an accident that is your fault (or there are no other parties involved), you will have to pay up to 3,000THB. Your insurance company will only cover the costs of the accident above 3,000THB.
Change your driver plan option
Many insurance companies offer Any driver policies that cover anyone (with a valid licence) who is driving the car. This option provides the most flexibility, but it is also the most expensive.
Roojai.com offers three alternative driver plans.
Any driver aged more than 30 policies cover anyone aged 30 or above (with a valid licence) who is driving the car.
Any driver aged more than 25 policies cover anyone aged 25 or above (with a valid licence) who is driving the car.
By choosing one of these two options you can pay less for your car insurance, while still having some flexibility about who can drive your car.
Named driver policies only cover the specific drivers named in the policy to drive the car. You can name up to 4 drivers on the policy.
By choosing a Named driver policy you can pay even less for your car insurance, but you must ensure that only the drivers named on the policy drive your car.
Limit your mileage
Many insurance companies assume that the more time you spend on the road so the more likely it is that you will have some form of accident.
Try to limit the number of miles you drive. Your insurance company may ask for evidence of your annual mileage, or your current odometer reading. If you can show your insurance company that your annual mileage is low, they may offer you a better price.
Improve Security
If you can prove that you have taken extra security precautions with your vehicle this too will be taken into account. For instance, a car that is housed in a locked garage at night is far better than one that is parked on a busy road.
Fit your vehicle with added security measures such locking wheel nuts, immobilisers and advanced alarms. Improved security is a win win as your insurance company will love it and also your car is more secure.
Build up Your No Claims Bonus Discount
Nearly every insurance company will reward careful drivers by awarding a no claims bonus or no claims discount.
All new drivers start with 0% no claims bonus. After one year without making a claim, the insurance company will award 20% no claims bonus. This moves to 30%, 40% and finally 50% no claims bonus after four years without claims.
The price of your insurance will be lower if you have a higher no claims bonus. By building up your bonus over the years you can receive substantial discounts.
Here at Roojai.com we will take all the information you provide us to calculate the best possible price and coverage benefits for your car insurance. We are always happy to discuss ways to help you pay less for your car insurance.